We didn't know when we wrote the zine that our quest for the perfect pub quiz team might also help us become quiz masters. But then we got invited to host the quiz at the newly-reopened Greystones (formerly the Highcliffe) pub on Greystones Road. The landlord-to-be approached us with a copy our zine in hand and said, 'You know you've also reverse engineered the guide to the perfect pub quiz? Turns out that reading between the lines, you can pick up some good tips.'
We suppose we should pretend we planned it like that, but we were actually really surprised and delighted and only mildly terrified. Since we'd both lived round there at different points in our collective history, we already felt pretty fond of that neighbourhood, and were really looking forward to it. The week over a foot of snow dropped on Sheffield was kinda tricky, but except for that week (when we wrote the quiz and emailed it and have been verbally abused by Team Renderson's Hellish ever since...) we've presented five quizzes and had a great time doing it.
We're going to keep going, because we've also managed to collect some awesome data from the quiz teams, who've been very willing to help us test Quint's Venn Subject Theory and Jow's Player/Points Ratio Theory. We want to eventually present our findings to the quizgoers. Why? Maybe to give everybody some insight into their hidden awesomeness. Maybe to justify the amount of time spent at the pub. We don't have the answers yet - but we've got lots of questions.
See you at the Christmas quiz, next Tuesday at 9.
Wish I could be there :)